Hello… Sunshine! Woohoo…

I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Award!

Sunshine Award rules:

  • Include the award’s logo in a post on your blog.
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself.
  • nominate 10 other bloggers.
  • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

It’s a fantastic list so stay with me…

First,  I would like to thank the inspirational blogger who nominated me… http://astimegoesbuy.wordpress.com/ what a nice surprise on a Monday! I love reading her blog and hope someday with lots of practice mine can look this good. Bravo! I feel honored to be nominated for this award especially since I’m a relatively new blogger. Many thanks!

Answers to the 10 questions about myself:

  1. My favourite colour: Blue  (so why do I wear so much black?!)
  2. My favourite animal:  Cat– my first pet was an orange Tabby cat named “Peaches”.
  3. My favourite number: 7– lucky 7, what can I say?
  4. My favourite drink: Tanqueray & Tonic, Tall with extra ice and 2 limes
  5. Facebook or Twitter: Twitter– short and to the point
  6. My passion: I’m still trying to figure this out….
  7. Prefer giving or getting presents: Prefer getting presents but always fun to give gifts too (am I indecisive or what?!)
  8. My favourite pattern: Plaid
  9. My favourite day of the week:  Sunday…I try to make it my Quiet Time (try is the key word here…)
  10. My favourite flower: Roses

And for bringing sunshine to my laptop & life every day, here are my Nominations for the Sunshine Award:

Reading these blogs is always a pleasure which is why you should check them out too. Happy reading and have a fabulous week. Cheers!

Published by

Jodie T

I'm going to blog about my many shopping escapades. Whether it is a used book store, a thrift shop or a consignment shop-- I'm here to tell all about my experiences. When I find great stuff-- I'll let you know. I'm sending good karma to all the thrifty shoppers out there!

9 thoughts on “Hello… Sunshine! Woohoo…”

  1. Congrats on winning this wonderful award! You most certainly deserve winning this.. I wsimply enjoy reading your blog. Congrats to all the new awardees as well 🙂

    1. Thank you! By the way, do you mind if I link your blog on my “favorites” list? I’m in process of updating it and would like to include yours? Let me know what you think? Cheers!

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